Monday, March 24, 2008

Clinton Tax Returns Theories

So according to Sam Stein at the Huffington Post, Hillary intends to release her Tax returns just a few days before the PA primary.

"On a conference call with reporters, Howard Wolfson offered a "categorical yes" when asked if the New York Democrat would make public this information with enough time to spare so that voters in the Keystone State could review it."

I have 3 theories on why they would release these returns just 3 days before the (crucial to her) Pennsylvania election.

Theory 1.
In hopes of a weekend news cycle being less intense than say a monday or tuesday morning story(like the Wright controversy) they release the Returns into the mix on a Saturday or Sunday to try and lessen the blow. Any attacks that are made on the Tax returns the Clinton Camp will spin as just last minute Election mud-slinging on the part of Obama.

Theory 2.
They don't plan on actually releasing them. At least not the full ones. Just like they did with her schedules as First Lady, they will release the returns with partial sections Blacked out, especally those in relation to the 5 Million Dollar loan she gave her campaign.

Theory 3.
She plans on releasing them right before the election in a State she is all but certain to win in order to try and substantiate this idea that she has been "vetted". She will essentially use the PA win she almost certainly will gain as a way to essentially release a negative story and swuash it 2 days later in the news cycle.

It could also be a combination of two or all three of these theories.

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